Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Since leaving home I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. The flight to China brought back vivid memories of the day we got the call about Matthew's accident. As I rememberd the flight to Ft Worth, the emotoins of sadness, concern and fear all came flooding back. I thought about that long flight (1 hour) and how awful it was not knowing the extent of Matthew's injuries. It was the heaviest sorrow I think I have ever felt. The China flight also brought back the flight when Matthew came home from the hospital. Again I remembered a heavey sadness, dispair, and an overwhelming concern for Matthew's future. How could he/we survive all the heartache and disapointments that lie ahead?
As Charlie and I watched the US team enter the stadium for the opening ceremony, my emotions got the best of me again. As the tears streamed down my face, I was gloriously thankful to our God and Savior. He has blessed Matthew and the whole family in so many ways during the last 2 1/2 years. We have seen His love and power working and watched as He opened door after door for Matthew. God's plan has far, far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!

love to all, Jan


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hi and to let you know that you are in my "thoughts." I continue to mention your to our Father. I hope that you are doing well. Blessings to you as you conitnue in this endeavor.


Red Baron said...

As Idalou's other resident above knee amputee, I know that Matt's accomplishments extend far beyond the field of athletics. He has recovered from his injuries far faster and more completely that 99.9% do.

That said, he also obviously a world class athlete and I look forward to hearing/reading about his efforts.